How I started The Dancing Woodman - The Dancing Woodman

How I started The Dancing Woodman

This all started for me back in January 2018. I was after a rustic TV unit. The only thing was, the TV unit I had imagined was nowhere to be found! After gathering some inspiration and putting together a design, I decided to have a go at bringing the idea to life myself.

Armed with some basic tools and a Black & Decker palm sander that I’d purchased in ALDI for £10; I got to work. Looking back, I can’t believe I sanded the wood in my living Room. By the time it came to staining the piece, I’d taken things outside, and laid an old duvet on the patio.

Brimming with pride at my amateur accomplishment, I uploaded a picture to social media (as you do). I received a lot of positive comments from family and friends which gave me the confidence to take things further.

The William side table was my first ever sale, and something which initially started as a hobby quickly became more. 6 months in, (garden shed purchased) I was juggling full time employment with creating furniture in my spare time. By 2019 I had dropped to part time hours, in addition to gaining my qualification in Construction Skills (Carpentry and Joining).
Fast forward to January 2020, and I had taken the plunge – I left employment to follow my passion full time and feel very lucky to now call this – The Dancing Woodman; ‘work’!